Exploring the Eerie: 20 Haunted Places in Massachusetts You Must Visit

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Massachusetts, a state steeped in history and mystique, boasts a plethora of haunted locations that send shivers down the spine of even the bravest souls. From centuries-old homes with chilling histories to abandoned asylums with eerie pasts, these haunted places are not only a testament to the state’s rich history but also a playground for those seeking spine-tingling experiences. In this SEO-optimized blog post, we’ll delve into the top 20 haunted places in Massachusetts, offering a glimpse into their eerie tales and ghostly legends.

The Lizzie Borden House, Fall River:

Known for the infamous double murder of Andrew and Abby Borden, this Victorian home is said to be haunted by their spirits. Visitors report strange occurrences and apparitions, making it a hotbed for paranormal enthusiasts.

Salem Witch Trials Memorial, Salem:

A tribute to the victims of the witch trials, this site exudes an otherworldly aura. Many believe the restless spirits of the accused witches still linger, resulting in inexplicable cold spots and unexplained noises.

Hoosac Tunnel, North Adams:

Dubbed the “Bloody Pit,” this railroad tunnel’s dark history is marred by multiple deaths during construction. Its haunted reputation is bolstered by claims of ghostly apparitions and eerie whispers.

The Joshua Ward House, Salem:

Built upon the foundation of the notorious Sheriff George Corwin’s home, this site is said to host his vindictive spirit. The ghostly figure of Corwin is believed to haunt the premises, leaving visitors with an unsettling feeling.

Houghton Mansion, North Adams:

Once home to Albert Charles Houghton, this mansion is rife with paranormal activity. Eerie footsteps, disembodied voices, and phantom music have all been reported by those brave enough to enter.

The House of the Seven Gables, Salem:

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s inspiration for his novel, this historic house is rumored to harbor ghostly inhabitants. Visitors often report encounters with spectral figures and feelings of being watched.

Danvers State Hospital, Danvers:

With a disturbing history of mistreatment and experimentation, this abandoned asylum is a hub for ghost hunters. The tortured souls of former patients are believed to roam its decaying halls.

Hammond Castle, Gloucester:

Built by inventor John Hays Hammond Jr., this medieval-style castle is rumored to be haunted by Hammond’s wife’s ghost. Visitors have reported apparitions and the sensation of being touched by unseen hands.

Fort Warren, Boston:

Fort Warren, Boston:This Civil War-era fort has tales of ghostly encounters, including the Lady in Black, thought to be the spirit of a Confederate spy executed on the premises.

USS Salem, Quincy:

Docked at the United States Naval Shipbuilding Museum, this decommissioned naval cruiser is said to be haunted by the spirits of sailors who served on board.

Bridgewater Triangle, Southeastern Massachusetts:

Not a single place, but a region with a high concentration of paranormal activity. It includes haunted locations like the Hockomock Swamp, where sightings of cryptids and ghosts have been reported.

Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge:

America’s first garden cemetery is known for its stunning beauty and eerie ambiance. Many claim to have encountered spectral figures while strolling its pathways.

The Colonial Inn, Concord:

With a history dating back to 1716, this charming inn is rumored to host several spirits. Guests have shared stories of unexplained footsteps and objects moving on their own.

The Parker House Hotel, Boston:

The ghost of author Charles Dickens is said to haunt this historic hotel. Guests have reported encounters with a man in Victorian attire, believed to be Dickens himself

The Omni Parker House, Boston:

Aside from Dickens, the Omni Parker House is also rumored to be haunted by the ghost of Harvey Parker, its founder. Elevators are known to operate by themselves, and phantom knocks are common

The Fairbanks House, Dedham:

Built in 1636, this colonial home is not only one of the oldest in the country but also reputedly haunted. Visitors have reported seeing apparitions and hearing unexplained noises.

The Witch House, Salem:

Home to Judge Jonathan Corwin during the witch trials, this house is believed to be cursed. Visitors often feel a heavy presence and experience strange occurrences.

Provincetown Inn, Provincetown:

Overlooking Cape Cod Bay, this inn is said to be haunted by the ghost of a woman who died tragically in the 1930s. Guests have reported her spirit lingering in the hallways.

Provincetown Inn, Provincetown:

The Hockomock Swamp, Bridgewater:
Part of the Bridgewater Triangle, this swamp is shrouded in mystery. It’s a hotspot for UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, and ghostly apparitions.

The Old Manse, Concord:

With connections to literary legends like Nathaniel Hawthorne and Ralph Waldo Emerson, this historic home is rumored to be haunted by the spirits of past residents.


Massachusetts’ haunted places offer a unique blend of history and the paranormal, making them a magnet for thrill-seekers and history buffs alike. From the chilling tales of the Salem witch trials to the echoes of lost souls in abandoned asylums, these 20 haunted locations are a testament to the enduring mysteries that continue to captivate our imagination. Whether you’re a true believer or a skeptic, exploring these eerie sites is sure to leave an indelible mark on your perception of the supernatural. So, gear up for an adventure into the unknown and embark on a journey to discover the haunted side of Massachusetts.


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