The Haunted History of Coiba Island

The Haunted History of Coiba Island Panama
The Haunted History of Coiba Island

History behind Coiba

Coiba Island Prison in Panama is considered one of the country’s most haunted places due to its grim history and ghostly activity. Used to hold violent criminals and political prisoners during the reign of dictators Omar Torrijos and Manuel Noriega, the prison saw its darkest days when it was used to torture and kill political activists.

These prisoners, known as “Los Desaparecidos” or “The Disappeared,” were often never seen again after their arrival on the island.

Coiba Island Prison: A History of Horror

The prison is located in remote waters surrounded by sharks, making it an intimidating and foreboding location. The prison comprised around 30 different buildings, including a chapel and a jungle graveyard, and was always surrounded by the thick jungles of Panama.

Since its retirement as a prison in 2004, the jungle has taken over the prison, giving it an even more menacing appearance.

The Ghosts of Coiba Island

Numerous ghost stories and paranormal activities have been associated with Coiba Island Prison. Former prisoners and employees openly share their experiences and beliefs, with many claiming to have seen ghostly apparitions and heard blood-curdling screams echoing from the prison. Others have reported hearing the sounds of rusty cell doors slamming shut, footsteps, and voices.

One prisoner reportedly escaped the prison by constructing a homemade raft and risking his life to leave the island. He was not running from his punishment, but rather the ghosts and spirits that inhabited the prison along with him. Another story involves an angry guard who was seen chasing a prisoner. When the guard finally caught up to the fleeing man, he was horrified to discover that he had been chasing something not of this world, which allegedly led to the guard taking his own life.

One ghost in particular is believed to be a former guard who is frequently seen by other guards and prisoners. He makes his presence known by sliding his nightstick across the metal bars as he walks the corridors, a noise which is regularly reported in the prison. The fear of the prison, both during its time as an active penal colony and afterwards as a place teeming with spirits, has kept most people away and left much of the surrounding jungle untouched.

The Natural Beauty of Coiba

Coiba is a popular destination for tourists who want to explore the island’s unique natural beauty and wildlife. Visitors can take guided tours of the national park, which offer a range of activities, such as hiking, birdwatching, and snorkeling.

One of the main attractions of Coiba is its diverse marine life. The waters surrounding the island are home to over 700 species of fish, as well as sea turtles, dolphins, and sharks. Snorkeling and diving tours are a popular way to experience this underwater world, with many tour operators offering trips to nearby reefs and dive sites.

Coiba’s terrestrial ecosystems are also rich and varied, with tropical rainforests, mangrove swamps, and coastal plains. Guided hikes are a great way to explore the island’s flora and fauna, with opportunities to spot monkeys, iguanas, and a variety of bird species.

Visitors to Coiba can also learn about the island’s history, including its use as a prison colony and its significance to indigenous peoples. Some tours include visits to the former prison buildings and the small museum on the island, which showcases the island’s cultural and natural history.

Overall, a tour of Coiba offers a unique and unforgettable experience for nature lovers, adventurers, and history buffs alike.

Hotels nearby Coiba

There are no hotels on Coiba island itself, but there are several options for accommodation on the nearby mainland. Here are some options with their addresses, phone numbers, and approximate distances from Coiba:

Bocas del Mar Hotel

Address: Boca Chica, Panama

Phone number: +507 730-8313

Distance from Coiba: Approximately 40 km

Bahia Esmeralda Lodge

Address: Puerto Mutis, Santiago, Veraguas

Phone number: +507 831-1052

Distance from Coiba: Approximately 30 km

Hotel Ciudad de David

Address: Calle D Norte, David, Panama

Phone number: +507 730-0300

Distance from Coiba: Approximately 70 km

Hotel Mykonos Panama

Address: Calle 3ra Sur, Santiago, Veraguas

Phone number: +507 998-6200

Distance from Coiba: Approximately 40 km

Map of Coiba

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