The haunted story of Uguisudani Tunnel

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History behind [Gifu Prefecture] Uguisudani Tunnel

The haunting story of Gifu Prefecture’s Ubuyaguchi Tunnel, known as Yōrō Yaguchi Tunnel, is one that has been passed down for generations. The legend begins back in the 18th century when the tunnel was built. Construction began in 1701, and it was completed in 1790. The tunnel was built for the purpose of linking Yōrō Castle to Ōgaki Castle.

Throughout its history, the tunnel has been the source of many legends and tales. One of the most widely known is the story of the Ubuyaguchi ghost. According to legend, the Ubuyaguchi ghost is a mysterious apparition that will appear at the entrance of the tunnel at night. It is said to be a white-clad woman with a sad expression, silently beckoning anyone who enters. Those who follow her are said to never return.

The tale goes on to tell of another ghost that resides within the tunnel itself. This ghost is said to be the spirit of a man who lost his way in the darkness and died inside the tunnel. His spirit is said to haunt the tunnel, appearing as a black-clad figure that lurks in the shadows. Anyone who sees this figure is said to be cursed and will be visited by bad luck.

The legend of the Ubuyaguchi ghost has been passed down through generations and it has created an atmosphere of fear surrounding the tunnel. People have reported hearing eerie noises and feeling a chill in the air when passing through the tunnel. Some believe that these are signs of the Ubuyaguchi ghost, waiting to lure another unsuspecting victim into its domain.

The legend of the Ubuyaguchi ghost has become so well known that it has become a tourist attraction in its own right. Tourists flock to the tunnel to take pictures and experience the eerie atmosphere. Many believe that the spirit of the Ubuyaguchi ghost still lingers in the tunnel, waiting for any unsuspecting passersby to take its bait.

Although the legend of the Ubuyaguchi ghost is still alive and well, the tunnel itself has long since been abandoned. The passageway is now mostly overgrown and decaying, but the ever-present fear of the Ubuyaguchi ghost still remains. Visitors to the tunnel report feeling uneasy and uneasy as they pass through, as if the ghost is still waiting in the shadows, ready to lure another victim.

Today, the tunnel is still a reminder of a dark and mysterious history. It serves as a living testament to the story of the Ubuyaguchi ghost, and its power still lingers in the air. Despite its dilapidated state, the tunnel remains a popular tourist attraction, a place of curiosity, mystery, and, most of all, fear.

Hotels nearby [Gifu Prefecture] Uguisudani Tunnel

1. Hotel Route-Inn GIFU asuke Konoshi, konoshi/, 〒501-0423 Takaya-cho, Azumi-gun, Gifu-gun, Azumi-gun, Gunazu-machi, Kashizawa Kashiwazawa Crossroads 1033, 0575-89-2008, APPROX. 0.8 km

2. GIFU Ichinotani ONSEN RESORT BOTAN,, 〒501-0425 Takaya-cho, Azumi-gun, Azumi-gun, Azumi-gun, Uguisawa Kiyohei 446, 0575-89-2121, Approx. 1.1 km.

3. GIFU MIYAKI Hotel,, 〒501-0422 Takaya-cho, Azumi-gun, Uguisanzawa 277, 0575-89-2111, APPROX. 1.2 km

4. Kyukamura gifu Ichinotani,, 〒501-0425 Gifu-gun, Azumi-gun, Takaya-cho, Gifu, Uguisanzawa Kiyohei 432, 0575-89-2345, Applox. 4 km

5. Grand Hotel Gifu,, 〒502-0907 29th, Ikaya-cho, Gifu-shi, Gifu, 0575-37-3311, Approx. 2.4 km

Map of [Gifu Prefecture] Uguisudani Tunnel


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