The haunted story of Sankyo Tunnel (Third Tunnel)

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History behind [Gunma Prefecture] Sankyo Tunnel (Third Tunnel)

The mysterious tale of the Mikioka Tunnel, otherwise known as the Third Tunnel, is a popular source of local folklore in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. This tunnel is said to be haunted by the deaths of two young lovers long ago. According to the legend, the tunnel is haunted by the ghost of a young couple; a boy and a girl who died after becoming trapped in the tunnel after a sudden landslide.

The story, which is believed to be from the late Edo period (1603-1867), tells of a young couple who ran away together in order to elope. They decided to take the path leading through the Mikioka Tunnel, but a sudden landslide occurred and the tunnel caved in, trapping them inside. The couple, seeing no way out, chose to take their own lives by kissing each other and drowning themselves in the nearby river.

To this day, the Mikioka Tunnel holds a dark and ominous atmosphere. It is said that one can still hear the screams of the young couple echoing through the tunnel. Many people who dare to venture inside claim to have felt a powerful and eerie presence, as well as a sense of sadness, as if the tunnel is harboring a tragic memory.

The Mikioka Tunnel has gained a reputation for being especially haunted on nights with full moons, as many locals claim to have seen a mysterious and beautiful light that lingers in the darkness of the tunnel.

Another interesting phenomenon related to this tunnel is the “phantom train”. According to local legend, every night, the spectral train that carries the young couple can be seen and heard passing through the tunnel and vanishing without a trace once it reaches the other end.

The Mikioka Tunnel is a popular tourist destination in Gunma Prefecture, despite its dark history. Every year, countless people visit the tunnel to experience the ghostly atmosphere and get a taste of its mysterious tales. Some visitors even leave a lantern behind in order to pay their respects to the tragic young couple.

Whether you believe the legend or not, the Mikioka Tunnel will forever remain a part of Gunma Prefecture’s haunting history and an intriguing mystery for all who visit.

Hotels nearby [Gunma Prefecture] Sankyo Tunnel (Third Tunnel)

1. Hotel Knack -Https:// -Maebashi -shi Miyasaka 521-027-252-0220 -Approximate Distance: 5.2 km

2. Knack Restlime Maebashi Omae - -1277-027-285-5555 -Approximate Distance: 4.9 km

3. Urban Hotel Maebashi - -799-027-258-0111 -Approximate Distance: 5.2 km

4. Hotelley Galloyal Maebashi - -99-027-225-9000 -Approximate Distance: 5.9 km

5. Presales Hotel Maebashi- Kikusuimachi, Maebashi-shi-Approximate Distance: 5.1 km

Map of [Gunma Prefecture] Sankyo Tunnel (Third Tunnel)


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