The haunted story of [Ishikawa Prefecture] Kurikara Tunnel

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History behind [Ishikawa Prefecture] Kurikara Tunnel

Ghosts, demons, and monsters

Once upon a time, there was a haunting story from Ishikawa Prefecture in Japan about a mysterious tunnel known as “Kurikara Tunnel”. It is said that the tunnel has a horrifying atmosphere where countless ghosts, demons, and monsters lurk inside, waiting to frighten whoever is brave enough to enter.

The exact story behind this creepy tunnel is unknown, but the legend of Kurikara Tunnel dates back more than 100 years. The tunnel was built in the late 1800s and is located in the middle of a mountain. It is a 300-meter-long tunnel, and as you get closer to it, the air around it becomes colder and more sinister.

Many people believe that the tunnel is haunted by the spirits of those who died in the area due to famine or war during the Edo period. Some say that this tunnel is home to the spirit of the abandoned dog of a rich man who refused to pay compensation for his employee’s death, causing the employee’s ghost to haunt and protect the tunnel.

An evil presence

Others believe the tunnel is home to a cursed creature, a spirit of a fallen demon. It is said that when someone dares to set foot inside the tunnel, they will be confronted with this monster. It is also said that if you look back after entering the tunnel, you will be met with an evil presence.

There are also stories about mysterious noises that you can hear coming from the tunnel. Some claim to have heard a woman wailing, while others say the sounds of drums and bells can be heard from inside.

The locals avoid going nearby

These terrifying stories surround the Kurikara Tunnel and the area around it. It is such a spooky place that no one ever ventures near it at night. Even during the day, the locals avoid going near the tunnel as much as possible.

Even though there are no reliable reports of any paranormal activity at the Kurikara Tunnel, it is still a mysterious and eerie place that will surely give you the creeps. If you ever find yourself in Ishikawa Prefecture, make sure to avoid the Kurikara Tunnel as it’s not worth the risk. It is a place where ghosts, demons, and monsters are said to lurk, and who knows what could happen if you enter this mysterious tunnel.

Hotels nearby [Ishikawa Prefecture] Kurikara Tunnel

1. Atrium Imaizumi Inn:;

〒920-2824 27 Nakamachi, Ishikawa Prefecture 27; 076-296-3111; APPROXIMATE DISTANCE: 2.5 km

2. Life-in Hakui: in
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3. Hotel Millage Waters:


919-2131 Sanjo-cho, Sanjo-cho, Hakui-gun, Ishikawa, Ishikawa, Hakui-cho, Ishikawa 13-24; 076-282-6500; Approximate Distance: 13.2 km

4. Hokuriku Moritahira Hotel:


〒919-2121 Morita Heiji, Sanjo-cho, Hakui-gun, Ishikawa 4-1-6; 076-285-2111; APPROXIMATE DISTANCE: 17.7 km

5. Hotel Route-Inn Hakui:

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〒920-0963 1945 Koyama-cho, Koyama-cho, Hakui-shi, Ishikawa, Ishikawa Prefecture Ance: 3.0 km

Map of [Ishikawa Prefecture] Kurikara Tunnel


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