The haunted story of Hiwasa Tunnel

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History behind [Tokushima Prefecture] Hiwasa Tunnel

The village of Niyozawa in Tokushima prefecture of Japan is home to one of the most haunted sites in the country, the Niyozawa Tunnel. The story goes that two young lovers, a boy and a girl, were walking through the tunnel one day when a mysterious mountain god appeared and cursed them. The god declared that they would be doomed to walk the path of the tunnel forever, unable to ever be together as they once were.

The old Niyozawa Tunnel is now said to be haunted by the two tragic lovers, their spirits still stuck in the tunnel together, forever walking in circles until the end of time. On summer nights, locals claim that they can sometimes see the two ghostly figures in the darkness, hand in hand, as they make their way through the tunnel.

The tunnel itself is very old and is said to be over 400 years old. It is located on the outskirts of the village and is said to have been built to provide access from the mountains to the flat plains below. It is no longer used by traffic and is now mostly filled with wild vines and overgrown bushes, making it difficult to make out the shape of the tunnel underneath the foliage.

The tunnel was also used as a hiding place for bandits during the Edo period, which is said to have added to the feelings of dread and fear surrounding it. People now report feeling a strange presence in the tunnel, with some even claiming to have seen strange shadows moving around them in the dark.

Local folklore surrounding the tunnel has only added to the mystery. Some say that the two lovers were actually a mountain god and his human lover, and that the god cursed them out of jealousy when he realized that his beloved was in love with another. Others believe that the couple was cursed by an angry spirit, who cursed them to walk the path of the tunnel forever, unable to ever be together.

Many stories have been told about the tunnel over the years, only adding to the mystery and fear surrounding it. Most of the locals in the area choose to stay away from the tunnel, believing that disturbing the spirits of the two lovers could bring bad luck upon them or their family.

Whether or not the haunting story of the Niyozawa Tunnel is true is still unknown, but one thing is for sure: this old road, with its mysterious history and strange legends, is a must-visit for those looking for a little bit of an eerie adventure.

Hotels nearby [Tokushima Prefecture] Hiwasa Tunnel

1. HOTEL ROUTE-Inn Tokushima ekimae:, 2-6-1 CHUO-CHO TOKUSHIMA -shi, Tokushima Prefecture, 760-00 45, 088-626 -7111, APPROXIMATELY 0.9 MILES

2. ANA CROWN PLAZA TOKUSHIMA:, 3-11 Airin-cho, TokyoShima-shi, TOKUSHIMA PREFECTURE, 770-0843, 08 8-625-1111, APPROXIMATELY 1.6 Miles

3. Hotel Sanyo Tokyo :/, 4-3 Chuo-cho Tokyo TOKUSHIMA-shi, Tokushima Prefecture, 760-0045, 088-652-5511 LY 0.9 Miles

4. Hotel New Otani Tokushima:, 1-2-25 chuo-cho, TokyoShima, tokushima Prefecture, 760-0047, 088-623-3 111, Approximately 0.6 Miles

5. Jr Hotel Clement Tokyo :/, 1-5-1 tsujido-chima-shi, TOKUSHIMA PREEFECTURE , 780-0006, 088-622-5001, APPROXIMATELY 0.6 MILES

Map of [Tokushima Prefecture] Hiwasa Tunnel


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