The haunted story of [Ehime Prefecture] Tawaratsu Tunnel

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History behind [Ehime Prefecture] Tawaratsu Tunnel

The site of numerous tragedies

For many centuries, the Tawara-tsu tunnel near Imabari-shi in Ehime prefecture of Japan, has been the source of numerous tales of ghostly sightings and unexplained phenomena. This is due to the mysterious nature of this tunnel, as it has been the site of numerous tragedies over the years, including several deaths in the late 1800s. The Tawara-tsu tunnel is a popular spot for tourists who visit the prefecture, as it is said to be one of the most haunted places in Japan.

The stories of hauntings at this tunnel began shortly after it opened in 1862. Locals in the prefecture have reported feelings of being watched, hearing mysterious noises and seeing strange shadows coming from the tunnel. In addition, some people have reported seeing the ghosts of those who died in the tunnel, especially a young girl who is said to have been hit by a train while trying to cross the tracks.

Her spirit is searching for her lost love

One of the most well-known stories of the haunting in Tawara-tsu tunnel is the tale of the girl in white. According to legend, the girl died in the tunnel in 1868, and her spirit still remains there today. She is said to be seen wandering the tunnel at night, and is believed to be searching for someone or something. Many believe that her spirit is searching for her lost love, who died in the tunnel, too.

The stories of hauntings at the Tawara-tsu tunnel have been passed down for generations, and today the tunnel is considered to be one of the most haunted places in Japan. Many visitors come to Ehime prefecture to experience the haunted tunnel firsthand. In recent years, visitors to the tunnel have reported hearing ghostly whispers and seeing strange lights around the tunnel.

The spirits of the dead still linger there

Despite the stories of hauntings in the Tawara-tsu tunnel, it remains an important part of the local history and culture in Ehime prefecture. The tunnel serves as a reminder of the past and the tragedies that have occurred there. While many remain skeptical about the hauntings at the tunnel, some believe that the stories are true and the spirits of the dead still linger there. Whether you believe the stories or not, the Tawara-tsu tunnel remains an important part of the local culture, and continues to draw attention from curious visitors from around the world.

Hotels nearby [Ehime Prefecture] Tawaratsu Tunnel



2363 Hiragurihara, Taishi-cho, Imabari-cho, Ehime, Approx. 15.2 km



387-1, 0897-87-1112, APPROX. 10.2 km

Hotel niinase


1790, 0898-38-6100, APPROX. 14.1 km

Ryokan yoshimizu


1970-1, 0898-35-6500, APPROX. 13.2 km

Grand Hotel Monterrey


1838, 0898-36-7111, APPROX. 15.2 km

Map of [Ehime Prefecture] Tawaratsu Tunnel