OCEANIA Hotel Kurrajong: Haunting Story Hotel Kurrajong HistoryHotel Kurrajong in Australia has a rich history, starting with its construction in 1925 by the Co... 2023.06.13 OCEANIAAustralia
Australia Haunted Story of Monte Cristo Homestead History behind Monte Cristo HomesteadHave you ever heard of Australia's most haunted house? The Monte Cristo Homestead i... 2023.06.13 AustraliaOCEANIA
OCEANIA The Haunting Story of BuzzSaw roller coaster in Dreamworld History / Story of BuzzSaw roller coaster in DreamworldDreamworld is one of Australia's most popular theme parks, locate... 2023.06.13 OCEANIAAustralia
OCEANIA The Haunting Story of Ararat Lunatic Asylum History behind Ararat Lunatic AsylumArarat Lunatic Asylum, also known as Aradale, was a psychiatric hospital that operat... 2023.04.22 OCEANIAAustralia